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Trail: West Snowmass #2187
Region: Old Snowmass area
Difficulty: difficult
Description: Hike 1-1/4 miles along the Maroon-Snowmass Trail to the junction with the West Snowmass Trail (about 1/4 mile past the second gate). The West Snowmass Trail then switches back towards Snowmass Creek. Cross Snowmass Creek. This can be a cold and swift crossing well into the summer months. Sandals are a must! After crossing the creek, climb through stands of Aspen for 1-1/2 miles. At higher elevations the trail journeys through stands of Spruce, Fir and flower-filled meadows, passing below Mt. Daly, until it finally emerges above the timberline where deer and elk are often seen. From the pass, the trail descends very quickly as it carries you through undisturbed meadows and forests where few people visit. The trail ends at its junction with Capitol Creek Trail.
Directions: Drive 6 miles west of Aspen on Highway 82 and turn left onto Brush Creek Road. Continue on Brush Creek Road 5.5 miles then turn right onto Divide Road. Divide Road turns into a gravel road and passes Krabloonik Restaurant and Kennels. The road descends steeply to the valley bottom where it forks. Take the left fork. You will pass the East Snowmass trailhead on the left. The Maroon-Snowmass Trailhead, which is the starting point for the West Snowmass Trail, is at the end of the road. A high clearance vehicle is recommended.
Map: USGS Capitol Peak


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THE FOREST CONSERVANCY • 1012 Brookie Drive, Carbondale, CO 81623 • 970-963-8071

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